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Institut thématique Technologies pour la Santé

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Session Posters

Titre du poster Auteurs Mots clés
1 Biphasic model of lung deformations for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) Pablo Alvarez (1,2), Saramati Narasimhan (4), Simon Rouzé (1,3), Jean-Louis Dillenseger (1), Yohan Payan (2), Michael I. Miga (4), Matthieu Chabanas (2) Non-rigid image registration, biomechanical model, lung, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)
2 Y a-t-il une place pour la recherche académique dans le cadre des projets IMI ? Alexia Chauzy, Nicolas Grégoire, Sandrine Marchand, William Couet Projet IMI, recherche académique, aztréonam-avibactam
3 Pep’s: a microfluidic device to process whole blood Myriam Cubizolles, Remco Den Dulk, Benoit Gilquin, Frédéric Revol-Cavalier, Manuel Alessio, Charles-Elie Goujon, Camille Echampard, Gorka Arrizabalaga, Yohann Couté, Annie Adrait, Mathilde Louwagie, Patricia Laurent, Fabrice Navarro, Marie-Line Cosnier and Virginie Brun Biomarker, Diagnosis, Proteomics
4 Imagerie laser Doppler computationnelle de la rétine Leo Puyo, Michel Paques, Jose Sahel, Mathias Fink, Michael Atlan Imagerie cohérente, laser Doppler, rétine
5 Towards a patient-specific simulation of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty Bernard Al-Helou, Claire Dupont, Aline Bel-Brunon, Wenfeng Ye, Adrien Kaladji, and Pascal Haigron Atherosclerotic Plaque, Balloon Angioplasty, Finite Element Methods, Plasticity
6 Design low-cost techniques to provide rich information about the behavior A. HADJ HENNI1, H. Sfar2, J. Boudy2, A. Bouzeghoub2, N. Ramdani1, R. Ben Bachouch1, Y.
Fousseret1 2, Y. Parmantier1
Activity recognition, Sensors data Fusion, Indoor localization, Smart environment for Elderly
7 Variation de l’ostéogénèse d’un greffon osseux après compaction en vue de chirurgie réparatrice de fentes palatines Caroline Dissaux, Hervé Petite, Morad Bensidhoum, Daniel George, Yves Rémond Mécanobiologie, chirurgie réparatrice, ostéoinduction
8 PrivAS : a tool to perform Privacy Preserving Association Studies Thomas E. Ludwig, Reda Bellafqira, David Niyitegeka, Daniel Salas,Isabelle Perseil, Gouenou Coatrieux & Emmanuelle Génin Association Studies, WSS, Privacy, Cryptography
9 Statistical shape model of aneurysmal abdominal aorta Claire Dupont, Christelle Boichon-Grivot, Adrien Kaladji, Antoine Lucas, Michel Rochette, Pascal Haigron Aneurysmal Abdominal Aorta; Statistical Shape Model; Endovascular Surgery
10 Technological research accelerator (ART) on Bioprinting: our toolbox for tissue engineering and advanced cell culture models creation OLIVEIRA Hugo, CHAGOT Lise, DUSSERRE Nathalie, HANDSCHIN Charles, MEDINA Chantal, STACHOWICZ Marie-Laure, FRICAIN Jean-Christophe Additive manufacturing, Bioprinting, Laser-assisted bioprinting, inkjet, microextrusion
11 NeuroCort : Advanced Technologies for Neuromarkers of Brain Disorders Mahmoud Hassan, Fabrice Wendling, Jean-Noel Bremont e?lectro-ence?phalographiques, réseaux cérébraux, désordres neurologiques
12 Parameter identification of a cardiovascular model for the estimation of ventricular pressure on aortic stenosis Kimi P. Owashi, Arnaud Hubert, Elena Galli, Erwan Donal, Alfredo I. Hernandez and Virginie Le Rolle Aortic stenosis, computational model, left ventricular pressure, myocardial work, parameter identification.
13 Preclinical models to improve the therapeutic index of radiotherapy Michele MONDINI, Céline CLEMENSON, Lydia MEZIANI, Marine GERBE DE THORE, Winchygn LIU, Marina MILIC, Kévin BERTHELOT, Paul BERGERON, Eric DEUTSCH Radiotherapy, cancer, toxicity, immunotherapy
14 Secure Processing of Stream Cipher Encrypted Data Issued From IOT: Application to a Connected Knee Prosthesis Maxime Pistono, Reda Bellafqira, Gouenou Coatrieux Sécurité de données, traitement sécurisé, données médicales, détection anomalies, cryptographie, proxy re-encryption, packing.
15 PRIVGEN: Privacy-preserving sharing and processing of genetic data Gouenou Coatrieux, Emmanuelle Génin, Mario Südholt, Thomas Ludwig, Reda Bellafqira Genetic data, Homomorphic encryption, Cloud computing, Genetic association study, Watermarking
16 Electrophysiological sub-thalamic nucleus localization with 1D convolutional neural network Maxime PERALTA, Quoc Anh BUI, Antoine ACKAOUY, John S.H. BAXTER, Claire HAGELEN, Paul SAULEAU, Pierre JANNIN Deep learning ; convolutional neural networks ; electrophysiology ; deep brain stimulation ; Parkinson’s disease
17 A new joint watermarking-encryption-JPEG-LS compression method for a priori & a posteriori image protection Sahar HADDAD, Gouenou Coatrieux, Michel Cozic Compression, encryption, joint watermarking-encryption-compression, JPEG-LS, security, watermarking
18 Quantification of Neural Conduction Block on the Rat Sciatic Nerve based on EMG Response Diego Pérez, Gabriel Dieuset, Maxime Yochum, Lotfi Senhadji, Benoît Martin, Virginie Le Rolle, Alfredo. I. Hernández Neurostimulation, neural block
19 Fusion de fluoroscopies et de modèles de planification pour assister la thérapie de resynchronisation cardiaque. Nicolas Courtial, Antoine Simon, Mathieu Lederlin, Erwan Donal, Christophe Leclercq, Mireille Garreau Guidage d’interventions; Cardiologie;  Imagerie multimodale ; Recalage et fusion
20 Model-based analysis of regional myocardial strains in the context of ischemic heart disease and intraventricular dyssynchrony Orlane Duport, Virginie Le Rolle, Elena Galli, David Danan, Arnaud Hubert, Erwan Donal, Afredo I. Hernández Multi-physics modeling, Cardiac mechanics, Intraventricular dyssynchrony, Ischemic heart diseases, Clinical data
21 La modélisation PK/PD peut-elle aider à lutter contre l’antibiorésistance ? Vincent Arenzana-Climent, Alexia Chauzy, Nicolas Grégoire, Sandrine Marchand, William Couet Pharmacologie, Modélisation PK/PD, Antibiorésistance
22 3D Magnetic Resonance Spirometry Tanguy Boucneau1, Brice Fernandez2, Peder Larson3, Luc Darrasse1, Xavier Maître1 Spirometry; UTE; Lung; Motion; Biomechanics; Function
23 Chronic abdominal vagus stimulation alters brain metabolism and aminergic transmission in obese pre-clinical model. Charles-Henri Malbert, Mickael Genissel, Jean-Louis Divoux, Christine Henry Vagal stimulation, obesity, preclinical model, molecular imaging, PET, SPECT
24 Analyse sémantique et codification automatique de textes médicaux par l’IA Romain Farel IA, DIM, PMSI, Codification
25 Conception of a Medical Collagen based Device for Primary Haemostasis Evaluation in Flow S. Midrouet (1), B. Le Roy de Boiseaumarié (1), A. Rouleau (1), D.Vandroux (2), G. Mourey (3), E. de Maistre (4), T. Leblois (1), T. Lecompte (5), W. Boireau (1) Primary haemostasis, medical micro-device, collagen, blood
26 Topology-Aware Activation Layer for Neural Network Image Segmentation John S.H. Baxter & Pierre Jannin Deep learning, conditional random fields, image segmentation
27 Localisation of the Subthalamic Nucleus in MRI via Convolutional Neural Networks for Deep Brain Stimulation Planning John S.H. Baxter, Ehouarn Maguet, & Pierre Jannin Deep learning, convolutional neural network, deep brain stimulation
28 Surgical Gesture Recognition with Optical Flow only Duygu Sarikaya, Pierre Jannin surgical gesture recognition · surgical data science · optical flow ConvNets · cross modality pre-training